Everyday Inspiration

"I can have money and freedom too... " ~Abraham Hicks

Thursday, December 06, 2012


A december day in Oregon. Cloudy, crisp, wet ground. Cold toes in Vibrams go hiking, with the sweetest pooch in the world. The sun breaks through for a moment and we all bask. Pooch Chini eats some bones she found from the last time we hiked this place. Trail around one of the oldest cemetaries I have ever been to. We laugh. It is cold. It is white, brown and green. I have fallen in love with wet Oregon. I am happy. Love is being with my family. So simple and sweet. We welcome the day! We dance and play and eat. We cozy up in Moya and I tell a tale of gratitude. I well up with my own sunshine and warmth. Thank you!


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The Blue Wide Open

I am a psychedelic spirit wanderer. Alive. I thrive. Blue. Deep. Divine.
Under the Open sky.
I am here.


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Rainy days of love

Today I am inspired to be living in Oregon. In love with the rain and green. Romantic living for sure. A man to wake up with on such a rainy day. Slowing down with morning music and coffee. Dancing. Doing something new. Two loving pets following me in the rain. Being excactly where I am and celebrating it all. In love with now.


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Stepping into What is True

I am stepping into a fierce place in myself that will no longer let me do what is NOT TRUE.

I have to listen. I have had many passionate conversations about this topic. I have been angry about it. 

Anger is a sign that you have a boundary that has been crossed.

I have crossed some boundaries with myself about what is true for me and I have been PISSED. Well, I am listening. 2010 is definitely a power year for me. I am declaring this as so.

I have also seen in other people the dreams and desires they have and a lack of pursuing them. This really pisses me off. And I must take this as a reflection of what I see in myself, and that is a lack of pursuing my own dreams.

So here I go! There is no stopping me now. I am pursuing what is most important to me, this year and ALWAYS.

It may not seem like LOGIC, but I will tell you, it is what is TRUE.

And I have no doubt that I will succeed in pursuing my deepest dreams and desires.

It is so.

I am going public, right here, right now. I am not finishing my Bachelor's Degree in Education. I am not finishing my Bachelor's at all. It is not my truth to finish.

I am stepping into a place that is true and it feels so good. Yes, I am taking a Leap. I don't even know that I would consider it a Leap of Faith. I consider it more a Leap of KNOWING. I say this because I feel the truth so strongly in my core, that I know this decision will only bring me greatness.

I am letting my TRUTH BE KNOWN, here and know.

AHHH, a big sigh of relief. I am excited to continue playing in what makes me most happy. And that is to pursue my passion for writing and my passion to help people follow their dreams. I have a lot of great information to share and I am now allowing myself to share it. And it truly starts with me following my dreams.

Thank you for witnessing me.

~Kristen Lynnette

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Sending love and gratitude out to all the special people in my life, there are many. I am truly grateful.

This year has had many blessings and challenges.

Today has been a particularly challenging day. The challenges have showed me what I am ready to let go of this year.

It has been a day of reevaluation. And it feels perfectly aligned with my cycles and the cycles of the natural world.

I am grateful for the chance to look deeper at what is most important to me, what I want to let go of, and what I am ready to receive.

Beneficial Change is on the Menu.   

May we all come into a deep place of happiness and fulfillment, realizing our deepest dreams and allowing more abundance, prosperity, and success than we could ever imagine possible.

I will be posting soon about some great tools to help us reach our dreams in 2010.

I don't know about you, but 2010 feels like it is going to be an SPECTACULAR year! Something feels different, like there is much AMAZING-ness that is about to take place!

Love and Gratitude 

~Kristen Lynnette                     

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Deep Gratitude in Your Sweet Spot

I am feeling the deepest gratitude for my life. I am finding that place, the sweet spot, where everything aligns and feels connected, it feels right. The place where I KNOW my TRUTH.

I know what is beneficial for me and who is beneficial for me. I know the truth of what I want to do, in life, in every moment.

This "sweet spot" shows me the truth. 

We all have a most beneficial life to live. There are people and places and things that are definitely aligned with our highest.

I love spending times in those realms, with those that show me my truth. Spending time with the places that show my my Truth. It is truly a blessing.

Tucson is one of those places for me. A place I feel connected to on a deep level. I step outside and it is as if I am balanced, everything feels right.

In this New Year, 2010, one of my intentions is to spend more and more time in this sweet place of alignment. And as I do, everything naturally gets better and better.

And I feel such deep gratitude for this and all that is.

I am wishing everyone a New Year of abundance, prosperity, deep happiness and realizations of their deepest desires and dreams. We can all have a beautiful life, full of everything we want. I believe this, I know this.

May you step in to the sweet place of alignment and joy, allowing inspiration to move through you, blessing the world with your gifts.

You need to become a pen In the Sun's hand. We need for the earth to sing Through our pores and eyes. The body will again become restless Until your soul paints all its beauty Upon the sky. When the heart tastes its glorious destiny And you awake to our constant need For your love, God's lute will beg for your Hands. ~Hafiz


Following Inspiration

What inspires you?

What is divine inspiration?

I am asking myself these questions. I want to follow divine inspiration. I want to let it flow through me.

I am asking myself what colors inspire me, what images, what kind of clothing, jewelry, movement, what in nature inspires me most. And from these inspirations, what do I want to express, who do I want to be?

I am further and further being called to ACTION, to take action on my inspirations. That which fills me. And express it in the world. Letting go of what I "think" it should look like.

I am gaining clarity and letting go into that which INSPIRES!

WOW, there is a lot of inspiration on this page!

I am focusing energy on my website http://movamor.com to debut in the January of 2010.

What I am asking myself as I develop her is:

What colors inspire me?

What visuals inspire me?

I want my website to represent me. I change, and she may change as well. I want to make my site a place I want to be. I want to create conversation and community.

So I am starting with the most basic, the visuals. Beauty inspires me, I want my site to be beautiful.

And then...I will let the content flow....and of course....from a place of INSPIRATION!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Letting Go

It has been 10 days since my last post on my beloved blogger site. I definitely did not want to spend this much time away.

I have been reevaluating just what it is I am doing. In my reevaluations, I went into a bit of a hiatus. I think (haha) that I was over thinking things way too much!

I am currently enmeshed in the Four Hour Work Week. I have a website on wordpress.org that I am going to debut soon called movamor. And I have started to rethink just what it is that I am doing.

One thing I have realized in gaining clarity, is that it does not have to be just one way. You don't have to follow the "rules" to a "T".

It is not about trying to cater to people and what you think you "should" do to please those around you.

One thing I was doing was trying to figure out with accuracy and precision what movamor was going to be and represent. I wanted her (my website) polished and pretty and oh so perfect. Ready for action. A niche in hand, ready to hit it hard, make money.

That last part was hard to admit.

What it is about for me NOW, is living authentically, following my truth, my bliss, divine inspiration. Letting it flow. Letting go of the "how" and having things be perfect and in place. Letting go of having all the answers.

So...HERE I GO! I am living my bliss, I am going to let it flow, follow my inspirations and be me! Letting go of having it "all together" and perfect.

Movamor will be here soon and you know what, I have no idea just who she is going to be....

And as for my beloved Everyday Inspiration, I don't have to follow any rules here either...

I thought I could only have ONE blog. While I am exploring this further and what it means to me, I want to express myself here as well.

See you soon!