Everyday Inspiration

"I can have money and freedom too... " ~Abraham Hicks

Sunday, December 13, 2009

In the Presence of Movement

Tonight was yet again another night that solidified for me the joy of gathering with great people to dance to live music.

It is truly freeing and uplifting. What a beautiful gift. It proves to me every time I dance that it is such a great place to be. So often I get caught up in my head and forget to live in the moment, taking each moment as it comes.

I often project a feeling into my future. For example if I am tired, I project that into my future. This adds up to a lot of overwhelming feelings about what there is to accomplish and do.

I have been experiencing resistance lately to the beautiful life that I have. Why this resistance? I am going to explore what these feelings mean. I feel resistance to what is before me and yet when I let go into it, only beauty unfolds.

How curious this is...I will keep you posted on my feelings and findings. :)

I can tell you one thing for sure. Dancing and body movement takes me out of my head, into a place that is NOW, in the moment. I feel myself, I feel my body, I feel joy and passion. I feel alive, I feel the truth of what is.

I am going to continue dancing and moving and experiencing the truth. I am also going to explore my feelings of resistance. Is this possibly an Upper Limit situation? Hmmmm...It may be.

One thing is for sure, I will keep showing up for myself, always exploring what is true for me. And always loving myself through it.

Please feel free to leave comments of any similar experiences you may have and thoughts on the subject. I will be happy to partake in a conversation with you. I intend for this to be a safe place for conversation and exploration. You will feel welcome here. :) I will always comment back to you as well.

Let us always accept beauty and joy in our lives. We deserve nothing less.

If your curious about the great live music I danced to tonight, it was Batucaxe'! Feel free to check them out, they will uplift and inspire.

See you soon!

~Kristen Lynnette


  1. I just fell upon your beautiful blog in the middle of the night... Though I am a professional aerobics instructor (and professor)... it is the personal dance I have always found as healing and a way to express self.

  2. Great to meet you Kringle! I definitely feel that dance is a great place for healing. I have started down a road of healing, exploring and expressing through dance.

    It always takes me to a deeper place. I think this might be some of the resistance I have to it (in my head). I have a tendency to to be in my head. And dancing brings me into the moment.

    Hmm...I think I may be onto something with my resistance. How funny it seems that I would want to resist happiness! However, not being used to being in a place of happiness and moment to moment being, well, it makes sense to want to revert out of it!

    Thank you for being here on my blog. :)


  3. thank you, Kristen, for bringing and sharing transparency. You are honest and thoughtful.

    thank you,

    I wish could have been in two places at once tonight. So I could have Danced to Batucaxe while creating the magic I did blog designing tonight.

    You dance with people and I danced with pixels :)

    I look forward dancing next to you soon!

  4. Thank you so much Azstrel! It was beautiful dancing tonight and to know we have a strong relationship and bond, I feel you although you are not there.

    It was a really beautiful and nice independent experience for me.

    And you created such beauty and magic dancing with those pixels!

    I know someone who is going to be super excited to see their website! You ROCK! :)

  5. Kristen! You are a wonderful friend and I look forward to dancing soon! Thank you for the reminder that it is healing. Anything can be healing if we allow it to be. Love reading your writings!That is healing for me!

  6. By the way it's me Amy ;)

  7. Thank you Amy, I am so blessed to be friends with you, such a beautiful person. Being with YOU is healing. :) Yes, so many things can be healing. I think it is about allowing. And Being. Love.

  8. "What you resist, persist." I always think of this when I find myself resisting something. It helps me relax a little bit and accept what is going on in that moment. I find that I have a tendency to resist any feeling that I have labeled "negative" - like grief, sadness, feeling blah... What I have been doing lately when I feel any of these is instead of resisting them or trying to change my mood is that I embrace it and allow myself to feel it fully. I have found that by taking that action of acceptance has allowed me to move thru those emotions more quickly and allows me to honor myself more. And in doing that I allow more joy and peace into my being. :)

  9. Thank you so much for sharing Lyndi. I appreciate so much the reminder to accept all feelings. I am remembering this and taking action in this way more and more. Accepting and exploring my resistance. Talking to those parts of myself that want to resist and exploring them fully, finding out what they need.

    Thank you for being here on my blog Lyndi! I love what you bring to this world. :)


Feel free to leave a comment! I will be sure to get back to you!