Everyday Inspiration

"I can have money and freedom too... " ~Abraham Hicks

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Letting Go

It has been 10 days since my last post on my beloved blogger site. I definitely did not want to spend this much time away.

I have been reevaluating just what it is I am doing. In my reevaluations, I went into a bit of a hiatus. I think (haha) that I was over thinking things way too much!

I am currently enmeshed in the Four Hour Work Week. I have a website on wordpress.org that I am going to debut soon called movamor. And I have started to rethink just what it is that I am doing.

One thing I have realized in gaining clarity, is that it does not have to be just one way. You don't have to follow the "rules" to a "T".

It is not about trying to cater to people and what you think you "should" do to please those around you.

One thing I was doing was trying to figure out with accuracy and precision what movamor was going to be and represent. I wanted her (my website) polished and pretty and oh so perfect. Ready for action. A niche in hand, ready to hit it hard, make money.

That last part was hard to admit.

What it is about for me NOW, is living authentically, following my truth, my bliss, divine inspiration. Letting it flow. Letting go of the "how" and having things be perfect and in place. Letting go of having all the answers.

So...HERE I GO! I am living my bliss, I am going to let it flow, follow my inspirations and be me! Letting go of having it "all together" and perfect.

Movamor will be here soon and you know what, I have no idea just who she is going to be....

And as for my beloved Everyday Inspiration, I don't have to follow any rules here either...

I thought I could only have ONE blog. While I am exploring this further and what it means to me, I want to express myself here as well.

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kristen, for being so genuine in your sharing you inspire me to do the same and know that it is OK to be me...all the way. After all, this is the only thing I can be! :)

    Thank you,



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